Thursday, October 20, 2011

Awake at 4:00 a.m.

I sometimes wonder why I am woken up in the morning. I certainly don't think it was because I enjoy listening to my neighbor's tv which was going on with a western and the guns going off. And because now my cat is crawling all over me striving for my attention. So today I guess you could say..
I don't know how I can have a good attitude unless I reverse the whole week and start a new. Then maybe, just maybe, I could have said a few things different, or not at all. Not that would have solved everything, and maybe my neighbor (which is fast asleep now with no loud western on) would not have woken me or I would have been in a harder sleep. I could have only hoped. Right now I know I am a bit tired, cranky and don't know what to say, do, be , anything to anyone. That's sad considering the outgoing and kind , person I am. Maybe I will write later. I need some time to think at work. You know instead of work. ba. ha. ha. ha.  Speaking of.. My coffee is ready and I need to get off to work.

** on my way to work, I believe God told me this song was for me. He has really brought Mandisa in my life alot lately. I struggle with my weight and her songs bring me closer to watching what I eat and what path I need. God is good. I am stronger and getting even stronger than before, and before and before. Thank you God for waking me at 4:00 a.m., for the Western with the shooting, for the cat snuggling with me, Mandisa, and making me stronger.. **
Written By ~~Deanna Jo~~ 10/20/11