Thursday, October 20, 2011
Awake at 4:00 a.m.
I sometimes wonder why I am woken up in the morning. I certainly don't think it was because I enjoy listening to my neighbor's tv which was going on with a western and the guns going off. And because now my cat is crawling all over me striving for my attention. So today I guess you could say..
I don't know how I can have a good attitude unless I reverse the whole week and start a new. Then maybe, just maybe, I could have said a few things different, or not at all. Not that would have solved everything, and maybe my neighbor (which is fast asleep now with no loud western on) would not have woken me or I would have been in a harder sleep. I could have only hoped. Right now I know I am a bit tired, cranky and don't know what to say, do, be , anything to anyone. That's sad considering the outgoing and kind , person I am. Maybe I will write later. I need some time to think at work. You know instead of work. ba. ha. ha. ha. Speaking of.. My coffee is ready and I need to get off to work.
** on my way to work, I believe God told me this song was for me. He has really brought Mandisa in my life alot lately. I struggle with my weight and her songs bring me closer to watching what I eat and what path I need. God is good. I am stronger and getting even stronger than before, and before and before. Thank you God for waking me at 4:00 a.m., for the Western with the shooting, for the cat snuggling with me, Mandisa, and making me stronger.. **
Written By ~~Deanna Jo~~ 10/20/11
Posted by djo0723 at 3:56 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
And I found the Answer. :)
Written By ~~Deanna Jo~~ 10/19/11
Posted by djo0723 at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
What I have said, What I should have said...
I saw a quote on a friends Facebook page and boy yes I thank God for everything no matter how hard things are. The last couple days have been like that. Why God gives me reasons He does is so not understandable to me but I am sure sooner or later I will understand why He handed me what He did. So tonight before I go to bed, thank you again God for what I don't understand, and what I do understand. Thank you for all you do in my life that makes it more difficult so I grow stronger to be with You. Help me understand what I need to say that is right and wrong in the words that should sound like Yours and not mine.
Written By ~Deanna Jo~~ 10/18/11
He who guards his mouth and his tongue, Guards his soul from troubles. Proverbs 21:23 NASB
Posted by djo0723 at 8:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Psalm 139:14 (NIV)
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Posted by djo0723 at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 19, 2011
I'm forever greatful..
Posted by djo0723 at 7:02 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 05, 2011
My Storms
When I was growing up as a child, I used to be afraid of storms. I think it's because of the unknown of what to come. The crashing noise of thunder and the bolts of lightening terrified me. But now I have come to the realization that even though these storms can be deadly, they also can calm me. I love watching the storms roll in from my bedroom window. I love the smell, the sounds, and the beautiful thunder bolts. Oh how I love to capture them in my mind.
There are so many different ways you can learn from those storms. If you watch and listen long enough you find the storm very calm at first, then come crashing around you but I always remember, no matter how strong they may seem, there is always and to these storms. At times I will go out and stand in the storms to help me feel the rain falling all around me. I love to let the rain run down my face and help wash all my thoughts away. Makes me feel as if I have no worries, no cares, nothing.
Have you noticed after the storms that the birds starting to sing? How beautiful they sound, because they know the storm is over and the sun will soon shine. That is exactly how I feel. What a great feeling it is. No matter the outcome...
Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ~Rabindranath Tagore
Written By ~Deanna Jo~~ 3/5/11
Posted by djo0723 at 8:31 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 04, 2011
Free to Fly..
Posted by djo0723 at 5:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 21, 2011
Give my strength to others.
Posted by djo0723 at 5:40 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 17, 2011
I'm becoming Deaf..
I was reading Voices & Choices By Karen Ehman this morning and I totally believe God was using this to help me hear this. There are many times in my life I listen to what others have said in my past which have virtually aided me to give up on goals in my life. I have learned a lot since then, but yet there have been times I have allowed those voices to come creeping back in. Why? I believe its satin trying to make me believe my worth is less than what it truly is. I am wonderfully made in the eyes of Jesus. Amazing! I could keep pushing the good thoughts away that God wants me to hear, but I choose to completely allow God to take my heart and fill it with goodness. I am going to be reminded that there are times which trouble me however I have to turn a deaf ear and remember God is on my side and not against me. I thought I would share this story which was on Karen’s page and hope she doesn’t mind me sharing it (even though I don’t think anyone reads my page anyways). It’s a good reminder when I go back and read these.
There once was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a climbing competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.
A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants. The race began. No one in the crowd really believed the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower.
Heard throughout the race were statements such as, “Oh, way too difficult,” “They will never make it to the top,” “Not a chance they will succeed,” and “The tower is too high.”
The tiny frogs began collapsing, one by one—except for those who, in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher. The crowd continued to yell, “It is too difficult! No one will make it!”
More tiny frogs got tired and gave up. But ONE continued to climb higher and higher. This one refused to give up.
At the end of the race, all had given up climbing the tower except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top!
All of the other tiny frogs wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it. They asked him how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal, despite the horrible odds and the cruel taunts and jeers of the crowd.
It was simple. You see, it turns out that the one determined, focused, and disciplined frog …….was utterly and completely……….DEAF!!!!
I have been struggling with my weight like a yoyo. You know I have come to the conclusion that that yoyo’s, really make my stomach queezy. And I really don’t like queezy.
Yesterday a dear friend I work with came to work on a computer issue so we went and had a “shot” of Wheat grass at Fresh Café and Market. Yes it tastes just like grass so we used an orange to chase it down. It was actually refreshing! The woman who owns the store was so knowledgeable about health issues, I think I could have sat and talked to her all day! While we were talking to her, she said that they were celebrating 5 years of service there and so we also got a strawberry with cocoa (also very nummy)! There was fresh dried kale that came out of the dehydrator she let us try as well. I never thought good for you food would dance in my mouth as good as that food did. As I sat there I thought this is exactly what God wanted for me. Good friends, good food and a good life. So of course I can’t let God down. This is the life I am leading.
Written By ~Deanna Jo~~2/17/2011
Posted by djo0723 at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Let Go and Let God..
I didn’t sleep much last night, I think I am catching a cold. During this time I kept hearing this.. This keeps repeating in my mind..Why… What is it telling me. So I am going to try to decipher exactly what it means to me.
Let Go and Let God..
Let my life be placed in your hands
For what is true and right is not in the land
I must put my trust where it belongs
Not into my hands, to the wrong
My arms are stretched out to you
Because God, in my heart I know it’s what I must do
No matter how hard it is for me
I want the right path as you can see
So God hold my hand, it’s going to be a rough ride
But I know letting go, you are on my side.
Written By ~~Deanna Jo~~ 2/16/2011
Posted by djo0723 at 5:36 AM 0 comments