Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What I have said, What I should have said...

I wonder sometimes if I am in the wrong on things I say. I know that I think wrong and I ask God to forgive me because it has been about 8 years since I have been divorced and still working in the same office as my ex-husband. Yes that can be hard. However when I am talking to one I love I don't mean to say harmful things, I don't mean to say mean things and yet I stop and am told I do. That makes me very sad because I am the first to think of mean or hurtful things to say to anyone.
I saw a quote on a friends Facebook page and boy yes I thank God for everything no matter how hard things are. The last couple days have been like that. Why God gives me reasons He does is so not understandable to me but I am sure sooner or later I will understand why He handed me what He did. So tonight before I go to bed, thank you again God for what I don't understand, and what I do understand. Thank you for all you do in my life that makes it more difficult so I grow stronger to be with You. Help me understand what I need to say that is right and wrong in the words that should sound like Yours and not mine.
Written By ~Deanna Jo~~ 10/18/11

He who guards his mouth and his tongue, Guards his soul from troubles.  Proverbs 21:23 NASB


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