Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Start..

I have had a major block lately with my blogs. Not because things are going bad but I believe because they are going the way they are planned. I have decided that things need to change and I need to start new.. I really enjoy writing in this little page, not like many read it anyways, but just because I can go away just for a while and write my little bits of thoughts here and there. Boy let me tell you I have had many since 1995. Some I look back and reflect “Where is my mind?” and other s I sigh and think yes.. this is the direction I want to be heading.
Things have been hectic lately, still going to school with 9 classes left, still taking care of my boys and now I have new parts of my life. Taking care of me… I find at times, yes this is really hard for me, however I know I must if I want to move forward with my life. I have had many people come into my life ones which I truly believe want to help in this process which I am forever grateful. I think sometimes more than they realize. I think my brain over works and I don’t see how hard I am working myself when life can be a bit easier. Maybe this is the time I should see how I can make my life easier. I know there is a way and the help from a friend sure does help me see what direction will help that cause.
Today I just wanted to write to say, hey I missed this page.. I missed my writing and goodbye past.. you are dismissed. So if anyone is wondering where my stuff went.. it’s gone along with what my baggage was too. Wow what a weight that has been lifted. Oh don’t get me wrong, this has not been an easy process and all my poems are in a book at my house. I may from time to time get them out and reflect back but I will put them safely away and know that I can go on to the next chapter of my life.
Thank you little page, I have missed you. I will be back again to write my thoughts but this is for the good to let go.. and know that they are tucked away to begin a new..

Written By !~~Deanna Jo~~ 10/29/2009